Giving People and Clothes are Given a Second Chance


Giving People and Clothes a Second Chance


Giving People and Clothes are Given a Second Chance


Giving People and Clothes a Second Chance

About us

Haboydem, a second hand clothing store, was established in July 2014 and is a social venture of the “Non-Profit Organization for Rehabilitation and Integration – Shaf Yativ”, Israeli NPO # 58-046-8353.


Our Objectives

We provide transitional employment training for people who are facing mental challenges but have the potential to return to a competitive workplace.

Our work program is specially designed to suit each individual, offering short shifts when required. Each employee receives professional support from an occupational therapist and are paid a salary in line with the proposed bill for transitional employment programs.

Each employee receives on-job training encompassing all operational aspects of the store including sorting of clothes, customer service, and operating the cash register.

Each employee receives support in seeking a job in a normative work environment, tools and knowledge required for a job search, dealing with the job interview process, integrating into a new job and maintaining employment over time.

Further Benefits of our Program

Our employees work alongside volunteers providing an integrative work environment.

The concept of second-hand or vintage clothing has become very popular all over the world and our shop is an enjoyable, vibrant and fun place to be. Our employees want to come to work! This is in stark contrast with people working in sheltered workshops who cannot escape the stigma of having some sort of disability.

We strive to only sell high quality clothes in our store, with the balance being recycled.

We believe in encouraging wise consumer behavior where good quality clothes can be bought at low cost.

We established this social business according to a business model and are proud to report that Haboydem has become self sufficient – the proceeds of sales pay for the expenses and salaries of the store.


We rely on your support and your generosity to have a powerful impact on people’s lives.


Telephone: 02.579.8567


15 Tzeret Street
4 Herbert Samuel Street